Join Steve & Zoe Goss' Personal Support Team


Steve and Zoë Goss have a passion for equipping the Church to make real, fruitful disciples who are making an impact. Under Steve’s leadership, Freedom In Christ Ministries has gone from operating in 7 countries to operating in nearly 40. Steve says:

“Jesus said, ‘I will build my church,’ and He has been doing just that ever since. About a million people turn to Christ every week. But whether they become fruitful disciples is a matter of knowing who they are in Christ, understanding how to win the spiritual battle and being transformed through the renewal of their mind. Through Neil Anderson, God has blessed FICM with the tools to help them do just that and I’m incredibly excited about seeing them go out into ‘all the nations’ (just 150 or so more to go now!). As Zoe and I ‘equip disciples to make disciples‘, our top priorities are:

1. Identify and equip the right people to lead FICM in new countries.

2. Encourage and support our existing directors and Representatives.

3. Spearhead the development, translation and distribution of new discipleship resources for churches.

Our aim is to raise all our personal support costs from a team of supporters so that the funds in the ministry can be used exclusively to support these priorities. We estimate that we need just another 18 or so regular members to do that. Will you be one of them? If you join the team, we look forward to keeping you bang up to date with what’s happening through FICMI around the world.”

You can download our pdf leaflet for more info or sign up for our regular newsletter.

To become a part of our support team, please select the currency you would like to use for your donation(s):

 British Pounds

 US Dollars

 Canadian Dollars